At Jai Medical Systems, keeping our providers informed is our top priority.
Satisfaction Survey
Dear Provider,
I hope you are doing well and getting ready for Spring. On an annual basis, Jai Medical Systems conducts a Provider Satisfaction Survey to assess overall provider satisfaction within our network and improve the services and benefits we offer. Our Satisfaction Survey requests provider feedback on various aspects of our performance, including Customer Service, Provider Relations, Credentialing, Claims processing, Case Management, Authorizations, and Pharmacy services. Our goal is to ensure provider satisfaction and gain valuable insights from our network providers.
According to the results of the 2024 Provider Satisfaction Survey, we achieved a 100% overall provider satisfaction rate based on responses to key statements, including:
“I am satisfied with Jai Medical Systems.”
“I would recommend other providers to join the Jai Medical Systems network.”
“The Jai Medical Systems provider network is adequate.”
Additionally, we received above 80% satisfaction rate across all other survey questions, reflecting our strong ongoing commitment to excellence in provider support and network performance.
We appreciate our providers sharing their feedback to us through our internal survey. However, we need your help in sharing your satisfaction through the State of Maryland’s Annual Provider survey.
In the coming weeks, primary care providers participating in the HealthChoice program may receive an invitation by mail, email, or fax, to complete a Satisfaction Survey about our health plan. We would greatly appreciate you completing the survey and sharing the positive feedback about our health plan that you have shared with us.
If there is any additional feedback that you would like to share with us directly, please feel free to contact us today at
Network Expansion
Effective January 1, 2025, the Maryland Department of Health has approved Jai Medical Systems’ request to expand our service area to include Frederick County. We are very excited about this expansion and look forward to providing high quality healthcare benefits and services to the people of Frederick County.
In order to accommodate the growing needs of our members, Jai Medical Systems is continuing to expand our provider network, and we are accepting applications from primary care providers, specialty care providers, hospitals, primary care networks, specialty care networks, and ancillary care providers throughout the State of Maryland. If you know of any providers who may be interested in joining our network, please have them contact the Provider Relations Department at 1-888-JAI-1999 or e-mail us today at
Developmental & Behavioral Health Screenings
Developmental surveillance plays a crucial role in identifying children at risk for developmental delays. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends conducting developmental surveillance at every wellness visit, with special attention at the 4-to-5-year visit as children prepare for elementary school. During these visits, Primary Care Providers (PCPs) should assess developmental progress, address concerns, and provide guidance.
When administering developmental and behavioral health screenings during a well-child visit, in compliance with the State of Maryland’s Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) program, PCPs should be sure to bill CPT code, 96110. Please note, effective January 1, 2025, the Maryland Medical Assistance Program has increased the reimbursement rate for CPT 96110 by ten (10%) percent.
To read more about the Maryland Healthy Kids Schedule and Developmental and Behavioral Health Screenings, please visit:

Provider Resources Online
Jai Medical Systems’ website offers important information and resources online for our members and providers. The resources listed in the chart to the right are available at, or by visiting our provider portal.
Jai Medical Systems’ provider portal is a very useful tool for providers to search claim and member information, as well as to message our Provider Relations team with any questions that they may have. To sign-up for our provider portal today, please visit us at:
If you prefer, all of this information is also available in print and/or by telephone. You may request this information by calling the Provider Relations Department today at 1-888-JAI-1999.